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Print less, print better: the right reflexes to adopt

Print less, print better: the right reflexes to adopt

Printing is a common business task, but it comes at a cost: in time, resources and, of course, the environment. Fortunately, there are simple and effective ways of optimising your printing practices. Here are a few ways you can reduce and rationalise your printing.

Print less, and you’ll gain

We’ve all done it: clicked on ‘print’ without thinking, yet how many of these documents end up barely being consulted? The first tip is to ask yourself: Is this necessary? Working on collaborative digital tools or sharing documents online are simple options for limiting unnecessary paper production.

If you’re used to juggling several windows, consider adding a second screen. This will allow you to display several documents at once without having to print them out.

Choose copiers rather than office printers

A printer in every office is tempting, but it ends up being an overly complicated system more devices mean more maintenance and more management of consumables.

By centralising printing on shared copiers, you can reduce the amount of equipment you need and simplify management. Modern multifunction copiers are robust, fast and offer security options such as code printing for confidential documents.

Black and white and double-sided printing are your allies

When you really need to print, choose black and white mode by default. Why should you do this? Quite simply because, in many cases, colour is not essential, and costs are on average 10 times less than colour. It’s a small gesture, but repeated over hundreds or thousands of pages, it reduces costs.

With double-sided printing, you can save paper instantly. It’s an easy habit to adopt that will do your stationery stock and the environment a world of good.

Environmental impact: an essential awareness factor

Behind every page printed, there are trees cut down, water consumed, and energy expended. Reducing the number of times, you print means helping to reduce the use of natural resources. As well as printing less, a good practice is to opt for recycled paper for prints that don’t require high-quality paper.

Make responsible printing a team habit

Change can’t happen alone. For a responsible printing strategy to work, it’s important to get all your staff involved. Communicate good practice and make them aware of the importance of printing less. With a few simple adjustments, you will quickly see a reduction in your printing, as well as a collective awareness of the impact of each gesture.

Better printing means, above all, printing less, being more thoughtful and adopting simple practices that benefit everyone: your company, your budget and the planet. Centralise your printing, reduce the use of colour, favour black and white, and adopt double-sided printing as a reflex. And that’s without mentioning the ever more efficient and accessible digital alternatives.

So, are you ready to change the way you print? One small habit at a time will make all the difference.

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