The professional interview must be held every 2 years and also at the end of certain periods of leave (e.g., maternity leave, long-term sick leave).
The purpose of the interview is to support the employee’s career development prospects (qualifications, job, promotion, etc.) and to identify training needs. It is not intended to assess the employee’s work performance.
The interview must include information on the validation of acquired experience (VAE) and the personal training account (CPF).
The employer must keep a written record of all actions taken to fulfill their legal obligation to adapt the employee to the requirements of their job and to ensure the employee’s continued ability to hold a position.
Every six years, a specific interview must provide a comprehensive review of the employee’s career path. The purpose of this interview is to ensure that the employee has completed at least one training course, has benefited from professional or salary progression, and has obtained certification either through training or by validating their experience.
Point of attention
In a company with more than 50 employees, if the employee has not benefited from the biennial interviews and at least one training action other than compulsory over a period of 6 years, a penalty contribution of 3,000 euros to the CPF will be applied.
Professional interviews
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