The DPAE is one of the necessary documents for hiring employees to your company in France.
The DPAE (déclaration préalable à l’embauche) is a one-off document required for each of your employees. It serves as a pre-recruitment declaration for the local URSAFF. The declaration must be sent off by the host company for all employees, regardless of the type of work contract, the duration of the contract and the job role in question.
The DPAE must be submitted to:
- Ensure your employee receives all their social entitlements;
- Be covered in the event of your employee having an accident in the workplace;
- Profit from all your entitlements to any exemptions;
- Meet the requirements of the control agencies (consequently avoiding any penalties).
For more information on this topic, do not hesitate to contact us. Our team of experts will be more than happy to assist you with any queries you may have.