Employers must inform all employees of the existence of the collective agreement applicable in their company.
They must also make the agreement available for consultation. It can be consulted on the Légifrance website at the following address: www.legifrance.gouv.fr
Employers of agricultural businesses can consult local, departmental or regional agricultural agreements at the Departmental Directorates of Employment, Labour and Solidarity (DDETS) or, in Île-de-France, at the territorial units of the DRIEETS. Contact details are available on the portal: https://dreets.gouv.fr/
The employer must inform employees, using any reasonable means, of the applicable general and specific collective agreements and where and how they may be consulted during non-working time.
Point of attention:
More than 500 collective agreements have been attached to 200 other collective agreements. After a transitional period (maximum 5 years) from the date of attachment, in the absence of a convergence agreement, the collective agreement to which the company is attached applies. The impact on your company can be significant (grading, minimum collective agreement, redundancy pay, provident scheme…). Don’t hesitate to ask your usual COGEP contacts for more information.